Welcome to Heroic Dad Coaching,
lets unleash Your Heroic Potential!
I'm Kyle, a dedicated Dad Coach!
My mission is to help newly single Dads who are navigating the
road of parenting children alone or with a new partner.
Do you know what?
You can't do it without raising yourself first.
I was the broken one, and if I didn't change I would be impacting my children profoundly.
I offer 1-on-1 and Group Coaching programs that empower Dads
strengthen & maintain the best possible relationship with their children.
It starts with You becoming your Best.
By integrating proven principles and practices into our sessions,
we will work together to master the fundamentals that
have a positive impact on every aspect of your life.
As a parent it's our life work to help bring forth the greatest in our children,
but it starts with us.
My life symbol is the humble diode. Can you spot it in the circuit? This small component of an electronic circuit is just like a father in a family, that has an important role, that can't just be omitted without massive consequences.
Now you may be thinking..pfft.. that tiny thing? How it is ANYTHING like a father?!
Simply put, without YOU, the circuit is not functioning as it should, without you performing your unique role as well as you should, the circuit suffers.
A father is a protector, a guiding force, similar to the diode in a circuit which controls the flow of the current in a circuit.
You may be wondering why I am talking about circuits.. well, I am an electronic embedded engineer, which means I love building cool stuff from the inside out. To do this you need to understand how the systems work at the lowest levels, the electrical impulses in a circuit to the simple (And joyously complex) software machine languages that make everything work.
I've learnt along the way, that many of the same principles apply to our daily lives. From the moment we get up, until we go to sleep.
My mission is helping Dad's live fully and lead a life with confident authenticity, proudly growing heroic raising a future generation of world changers.
How does this happen? It's about living an intentional life with purpose. Living a Virtue driven life, one that electrifies you and those around you!
It's all up to you! You can decide how you want next year to look, but it always comes back to the moment by moment decisions.
Do I take action now, and start planning and moving towards my better future, or do I stay put, stay in the comfort (while it lasts) and only move when there is a big wake up call later.
-John Maxwell
45 minute intro video call via Zoom
Unlimited 15-minute video/voice calls (Just make a booking and we'll get on a call!).
Access to resources, materials and tools.
Ongoing support & guidance throughout via whatsApp / email.
Flexible scheduling options
Personalized feedback and tailored recommendations based on your specific needs and challenges.
In-depth goal setting and action planning at the beginning of the coaching period, and regular check-ins!
I want to see you WIN, and WIN massively!
With more time to implement & practice we will start to tap into your Automaticity, being able to run habits on autopilot.
The coaching period is up to you. From 3 months to 12 months.
He is Kyle West, a grateful father of two incredible children - a boy and a girl. As a father, he strongly believes in the enormous impact we have on our children's lives. His passion lies in coaching fathers to become the best versions of themselves.
He has 101% committed, and recommits daily towards being his best self, and helping other dads be their best!
Throughout the journey of life, has learnt valuable principles that apply to living a successful and fulfilling life. We all have one chance at this incredible opportunity called life, and he is committed to sharing the tools and resources to support you on your journey.
If you are a Dad, he would love to hear from you and invite you to join The Heroic Dad community.
Together, let's create a positive and transformative experience for ourselves and our children.
Hey Kyle, Is the coaching 1 to 1 ?
Great, chat soon!
Hey Hero! Yes It is!
Chat soon , Hero!
A coaching relationship is VERY different. Sure there is Tons of content online, thousands of coaching offerings.
However this is not a cookie cutter process. Coaching comes with accountability, and we will make progress together.
I've done this course, that course, am glued to YouTube, watched that webinar..
Why will working with you be any different?